Hand rejuvenation
Ageing is inevitable but looking your age is not necessary. With the current advancements of technology, you can not only treat signs of ageing but can reverse them too. Hands take the earliest brunt of ageing as the skin here is thin and hence collagen loss is more apparent.
What can make my hands look younger?
Medical treatment for the hands
Hands are the most used parts of the body and the most neglected too. If you look at it, hands get the most amount of sun exposure on the entire body second only to face. Due to gradual loss of collagen, the skin becomes crepe-like too. It’s almost like letting the air out of the balloon. Since the skin of the hands does not have the support structure, it looks deflated and unsupported.
With medical treatments of the hands, hyaluronic acid molecules can replace fat pads of the hands giving fuller appearance to the hands. Due to the hydrating nature of molecules, the hands appear fuller, more hydrated and younger too.
At Influennz, we use the Juvederm range of dermal which are US FDA approved and are therefore safe, effective and long lasting.
The results of hand last for 1 to 2 years, more than the dermal for the face. This is because there are less muscles around the hands and less muscle activity capable of breaking down the . There is also evidence that these injections cause collagen and elastin production, so as time goes by, there is less required to maintain the youthful look.
People who are bothered by the appearance of their hands have a lot of options to treat the ageing hands. It is however more important to research the dermatologist that is going to treat you.The correct diagnosis such as bony hands with large veins, or extreme sun damaged skin with age spots and sun spots, or excessive dry skin, leads to right guidance for the treatment and hence better clinical outcome.